Your October 2024 Andover Trees United Newsletter
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Dear Friends,

Autumn is well and truly here, and the woods are looking colourful as all the leaves begin to change.  September saw many fun activities here at ATU. We held our AGM, which was held for the first time at our lovely cabin! Despite being slightly chilly, the rain stayed away, allowing our youth team to lead a guided walk around the woods, pointing out key areas that they have worked on. Last month also saw our Peace Day Procession.
As we enter October, survey season has come to an end for our Ecology Intern, who will now start to write this year's Nature in Harmony report! The end of the survey season signals the start of our search for the 2025 Ecology Intern! If you are interested in this role and others available, make sure to check out the job oppurtunities section of this month's newsletter.

Alongside all of our regular activities, make sure to sign up for our October half-term Nature Explorers, as well as our latest Crafty Saturday, lantern making!  

Read on to find out what's been going on and what's coming up:

The ATU Team 
Happy Trees, Happy Planet, Happy People
Would you  like to work for Andover Trees United?
Thanks to our Big Lottery Reaching Communities grant, we are able to offer paid employment until March 2027.

Admin, PR & Publicity - Temporary (Oct-Dec) Part-Time (Min. 2 days, ideally 3 days) Hourly rate from Β£14 an hour depending on experience.

We urgently need to fill this position.
More details on our website:
Email expressions of interest with CV to

A NEW post is being created to develop and manage PR, Publicity and Communications for the charity. This fixed-term post will be available from December, must start Jan 1st at the latest and will run until March 2027.

Those interested in the temporary position, available now, are strongly encouraged to consider also applying for the fixed-term post.

The internship will run for 12 months from January/February 2025, and will give the successful applicant the opportunity to gain valuable experience of ecological surveying, running community engagement and citizen science events, assisting in the development of a youth team, and more.

More details on our website:

Or contact our current intern if you would like to find out more

Katie Sell
"Hello everyone! I'm this year's Ecology Intern, having joined the charity back in January. You may have seen me around the woods surveying, or running Citizen Science sessions. Before coming to ATU I spent two years traveling and volunteering for other organisations, which included the Sea Watch Foundation and the Hawk Conservancy Trust!
As many people will tell you, one of my favourite aspects of the woods is the wonderful birds of prey that inhabit it. I'm always on the lookout for a hovering Kestrel or soaring Red Kite, with these being some of my favourite animals. One of the highlights of my internship has been using the bat detectors when running a Bat walk. We rarely get to see the nocturnal critters that inhabit the woods so this was a real treat!
Thank you to everyone for making me feel so welcome. I've really enjoyed volunteering for ATU, and despite my internship coming to an end, I hope to keep helping out!"
This month, ATU hosted our Annual General Meeting (AGM), a vibrant event that brought together members of the community to reflect on the year’s achievements, connect with nature, and honour the ancient history of the land. Held for the first time at The Cabin, nestled within Harmony Woods, the AGM featured a variety of activities and presentations that highlighted the importance of conservation, youth leadership, and the rich heritage of the area.

Key Highlights:

  • Youth-led tour of Harmony Woods by the ATU Youth Team, part of NIHEP.

  • Archaeologist Chris Elmer’s tribute to the Bronze Age diggers and discovery of a new ditch.

  • Celebration of the year’s achievements by ATU trustees, volunteers, and staff.

  • Presentation of King’s Award for Volunteering badges.

  • Lunch and reflection at The Cabin in the September sunshine.

As Andover Trees United looks forward to another year of growth and discovery, the AGM was a fitting reminder of the community's shared commitment to both its past and future, rooted in the land of Harmony Woods.

Read more here:

This section includes a roundup of our regular ongoing activities, plus other news as and when. Keep an eye on our website and socials for the latest goings-on.


The Nature Nurture Project is a project designed to help local children and young people to connect with nature. It is funded by the HiWCF Flourishing Communities grant, and will allow groups of young people to design their own project at Harmony Woods.

July’s sessions have come and gone, and with them, comes the end of the academic year for the young carers. This means that thier time on the nature nurture project with ATU has also come to an end.
It has been a fantastic year with these groups of amazing young people - we have loved getting to know them and really hope we will be able to carry on building the relationships with them and the woods next year. Until then - have a wonderful Summer.

We also wish to thank TNL for generous funding that allows us to employ supporting staff.

Read a monthly roundup of the sessions here:

As Autumn approaches, ATU has been very busy conducting some much-needed landscaping up at the woods. Firstly we would like to say a huge thank you to Alan Shipway and his son Richard, would cutting the rides around the woods!

This month marked an exciting milestone in our ongoing Cabin project: the Bronze Age ditch has officially been filled in! Before filling in the ditch, it was lined with lining the ditch with cut grass, Christmas tree branches, and strips of bark. As a meaningful tribute, the team wrote heartfelt messages and placed them in a coffee tin, creating a time capsule to be buried at the ditch’s base. It felt like a beautiful way to connect the past with the present, leaving a little piece of ourselves for the future.   

After months of preparation, we completed the earthmoving, restoring the ride and pathway around the Cabin and creating a new working area at the front. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be adding path surfacing, but the progress so far has been incredible. 

We have a volunteer workday every Monday morning throughout the year, except for bank holidays, and the second Saturday of every month. If you would like to join us for practical conservation work looking after the woods and be part of a friendly team, get in touch with

Visit our 'Digging It' blog to find out what our Volunteer Conservation Teams have been up to recently:
September saw the final Citizen Science session with our Ecology Intern Katie. We had so much fun last month, that we decided that the session would be another Bioblitz! 

The day began with an introduction from our Ecology Intern, who explained the importance of citizen science and how the data collected during the BioBlitz contributes to broader ecological studies. Equipped with field guides, data sheets, magnifying glasses, and ATU’s state-of-the-art sampling equipment, the group set off into the woods.

With the recent rain, the group came across lots of different fungi, much to their delight! Other highlights included:
  • Small white
  • Lady’s bedstraw
  • Shield bugs
  • Dogwood
  • Common Field Crickets
Citizen Science Sessions will start again in April, so make sure to keep your eyes peeled!
Home Schoolers Forest School
Our amazing local home-schooling community continues to join us every Wednesday morning to learn skills, nurture the amazing space around them, and build friendships. If you are interested in joining this community, please email Jo for details.  The sessions are booked in advance and run from 10 - 1 pm every Wednesday during school term time. The young people help to prepare, cook, and clear away a hot meal cooked over the fire.
Peace Day Walks
On 20th September 2024, Andover Trees United (ATU) marked the UN International Peace Day with a memorable celebration at Harmony Wood, a day earlier than the global event to allow local school children to participate. 

A procession through the woods, featuring our famous giant doves, concluded in the meadow at the heart of the woods. A prayer for peace was read, and a commemorative Oak tree was planted. Peace doves, hand-crafted by the students, were then hung around the woods.

Read more here:
Blue Bird Carers volunteering day
The two teams from the Andover branch of Bluebird Care took a refreshing break from their daily routines, trading in their uniforms for outdoor gear and embracing the great outdoors at Harmony Woods. On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, the dedicated teams swapped their regular caregiving roles for an invigorating team-building adventure that was filled with fun, laughter, and a bit of healthy competition.

After some creative team building, the teams learnt practical skills like fire lighting and wood chopping, as well as foraging around the woods. The event ended with a well-deserved campfire, cooking their foraged finds, as well as marshmallows!

Read more here:
Final Biodiversity Surveys
The end of September brings with it the end of our annual biodiversity surveys, carried out this year by our Ecology Intern Katie. These surveys are carried out every year between April and September, with the data being used to write the annual Nature in Harmony report.

You can read the most recent report here:

A big thank you to one of our volunteers, Natalia, for her support during the surveys, having only missed 5 surveys during the whole survey season!
Walk the Test Way Fundraising Event!
Three dedicated volunteers from Andover Trees United (ATU) took part in Romsey Rotary Club's annual 'Walk the Test Way' event on Sunday, September 29th, raising an impressive Β£1,000 to help maintain ATU's vital Land Rover.

The walkers, Wendy Davis and Elizabeth Scrace, both trustees of Andover Trees United, along with long-term volunteer Linda Bagnell, braved a muddy 5K walk along the scenic Test Way to support their cause. The walk was part of the Romsey Rotary Club’s annual fundraiser, which allows participants to raise money for a charity of their choice, with the club keeping a small portion to cover organizational costs.

Read more here:
Go to Events Calendar
Sun 13th Oct - FUNDRAISING - NBN Andover Table Top Sale
Sat 19th Oct - FUNDRAISING NBN Early Andover Christmas Fair
Thur 24th Oct - FUNDRAISING Andover Ladies Circle Charity Quiz Night
Sat 26th Oct - Crafty Saturdays - Lantern Making
Tues 29th & Thurs 31st Oct - October half term nature explorers sessions
Sat 23rd Nov - Crafty Saturdays - Wreath making
Sat 7th Dec - Ladies Prohibition Era Ball


Volunteer Conservation Days
Every Monday, 10:00 - 1:00
Harmony Woods or Allotment - email for more information.

Monthly Community Volunteer Conservation Days:
Sat 12th Oct - Wildflower Planting - Harmony Woods
Sat 9th Nov - Hedgerow and tree planting - Harmony Woods
Sat 14th Dec - Tree dressing and celebration - Harmony Woods

Email for more information.

ATU will have a stall at this year's NBN Andover Table Top Sale, held at the White Hart Hotel. Doors open at 10am, so make sure to come and show your support!
Click here for more information. 
Saturday 19th October is the Early Andover Christmas Fair, and this year ATU will have a stall selling various crafts. It's a great way to start your Christmas shopping and support the charity! Doors open at 10am, we look forward to seeing you there.
Click here for more information.
The lovely ladies of Andover Ladies Circle are hosting their charity quiz night at the SP bar in Andover. All proceeds go to ATU. Table are booking u fast, so contact or message them on facebook to book your table!

Andover Trees United’s Nature Explorers is running this October Half-Term! Tailored for various ages groups, activities are split (but not limited to) two different age groups and are all based at Harmony Woods. Each session is Β£8 per child for 2 hours, and includes refreshments.

To Book please email

The ladies of the Andover Ladies Circle are hosting a Prohibition Era Ball on the 7th December. The ball will include a raffle, silent auction and a two course dinner. Dress code is 1920's glamour!
All proceeds form the ball go to Andover Trees United. A big thanks to Andover Ladies Circle for their generosity!
What's your favourite wildflower?

Lowland Chalk Meadow wildflowers are declining in the UK. Did you know that the Diamond Woods has calcareous grassland and is home to many of these endangered species?

We would love to know which of our 6 key flowers in Harmony Woods - Cowslip, Dog-violet, Primrose, Lady's bedstraw, Oxeye daisy, or Bird's-foot trefoil - is your favourite.

Take the poll and have your say!

Resut will be revealed after the coming Saturday workday!
Our Ecology Intern creates the 'Nature Spot' social media posts to highlight different species that have been seen in the Diamond Woods. The most recent is shown here (click on the image to see it in more detail), and you can see previous ones on our Facebook and Instagram accounts. And if you don't have a social media account, you can still see them on Instagram! Just go to
Thank you to everyone who follows us on social media. Please don't forget to share our posts, whether that's instagram stories, posts or with other groups on facebook!
Invite your family and friends to join our facebook page!
Current opportunities: 
  • WANTED! Volunteers to help with tree planting at Bury Hill Meadows, Mon-Fri from 11th November till 29th, during school hours (8 till 3:30). Read more here. To get involved please contact

Volunteering with us is a great way to contribute to action against climate change and biodiversity loss, and to make a difference in the local community and we welcome volunteers with many different skills, including:
  • General conservation
  • IT / tech 
  • Event organisation and support
  • Running creative sessions
  • Plant propagation
  • Leafleting
  • DIY and construction  
  • Legal advice
  • Fundraising
  • ... and more! If you have the time, we can use it :-)
We are very happy to arrange volunteering days for corporate groups, particularly during our Schools' Planting Weeks in November / December.

Please get in touch if you can help by emailing Any specific opportunities will be listed on our Ways To Help webpage as well as in this newsletter.
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Registered Charity Number: 1167574
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Andover Trees United
Old Salisbury Road
Andover, Hants SP11 7NH
United Kingdom

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